Things I do for fun!

Box of Fundora


This is the first time I participate in 36DaysofType. I've always felt intimidated by just thinking about coming up with a new clever idea every day. Especially when I was comparing my ideas with the brilliant other approaches out there. 👁️👄👁️

I started by decorating the first letter in Illustrator but I reminded myself that I wanted to get into the world of 3D anyway. That explains why I posted 3D renders later on.

ANYWAY! My goal is to finish it before 2022. Wish me luck! 😂


Recently I set up a small sandbox to practice JavaScript and share resources I found dabbling through the interwebs. The reason is that my findings aren't accessible or stored somewhere for everyone since I like to hoard articles and resources of all topics in Notion or pin them on my Discord server.
Also, the Corona situation made me feel nostalgic. Remember r/Place? Or homepage guestbooks from the 2000s? Yeah, that. I set up a virtual whiteboard for everyone to use — anonymously.
Hopefully, some creative heads will leave nice messages and doodles that cheer me up while I break my head over bugs in my code.

There's not much to see yet but if you like, take a look for yourself:

Visit Sandbox ✨